Pocket Fantasy RPG
2 Reviews (4.5 Stars)
Take your RPG anywhere with this pocket-sized Fantasy Role-playing Game by Brandon Goeringer. A rules-light game using only one D6. Easy task resolution and combat system allow for many fun-filled adventures for the whole family... or horde!

Pocket Fantasy is designed for ultra-fast fast hack-n-slash gameplay where the heroes may begin by encountering goblins and progress to fighting a dragon for its hoard of treasure, all in the same role-playing session.
Pocket Fantasy RPG includes:
- A rules-light approach to role-playing.
- Uses only one d6, which is already known to most people from playing board games.
- No complex character generation with randomness. Pick your class and your race and you are ready to play.
- No attribute numbers to keep up with.
- An easy task system that lets the Pocket Master and players communicate how they would best succeed at a task.
- Heroic reroll mechanic makes every roll exciting.
- Easy to grasp Combat Skill system that uses simple subtraction.
- Defence combat rolls lets' players have active participation when being attacked. Keeps players engaged even when it is not their turn to act.
- Old school system of rulings over rules.
- Free Form Magic lets imaginations run wild while still being restrained by the Pocket Master.
- Unique class abilities that serve a role in the party.
- Easy magical weapons and armour system.
- Quick adventure, dungeon and loot generation systems.
- No expansive equipment lists.
- Tokens can easily be used to represent hit points, spells and heroic rerolls.
- Large list of monsters to fill any adventure.
- Monster abilities can be used on different monsters to fit unique encounters and monster types.
- Optional levelling up system for those that want more Pocket Fantasy RPG.
A great way to just pick up and play!
This product is a PDF download which requires you to print out 4 double-sided pages (either 8.5 x 11 or A4 - both supplied) and fold, staple and cut to assemble your pocket sized booklet. Printing and assembly instructions are included in the PDF download.
Reviews of Pocket Fantasy RPG
4 Stars - John Paul - [2023-01-06]
Just what I Needed! Now The only real negative would be the text size is a bit small and if there were less full pages of art you could bump the size of the font up, but I have gotten a lot of use out the the game system and (I hate to admit it) I carry this little book EVERYWHERE I go (even to church).
5 Stars - Juan Mejia - [2021-10-29]
This was a great gem DMG and DM Scotty unearthed. The game is very simple, agile and flexible. I am using it to run a Camp Half-Blood campaign for my kids and they are loving it. I will be using it on Halloween to run PDM's Frankenstein with my group of teenagers. A solid purchase and a fun projects for the Crafterati or even for novices. Everyone loves having their own copy, especially kids.
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